Rise of The Tyrant is Arch Enemy's new album...
For those of you who didn't know, Arch Enemy is a Sweden-based melodic death metal or maybe trash metal...
They're known for their melodic guitar riffs...
Their guitarists are the famous Amott brothers...
But something about the title and the cover of this new album seems fishy to me...
Try click on the photo and analyse it....
typical lah. geng black sabbath n stuff. kan? huhu
i dunno sgt bout black sabbath...but Arch Enemy n Black Sabbath belongs to different genre...totally different...Kalau xcaye, try dengar...haha
what wiff tthe photo?
i could not get ur point
there's an eye in a triangle...symbolising Dajjal...or antichrist...the album title is also rise of the tyrant...
Salam akhi.
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Tasbih kifarah...
thanx, traveller........u r rite...truly rite...
korang dah tgk eh DVD yang as bg tuh..
erm btw, kalau kamu explain kat entry lg menarik kan..sebab not all of the readers cud read what is behind the image ;)
thus u wud spread the word of coz ;)
korang dah tgk eh DVD yang as bg tuh..
erm btw, kalau kamu explain kat entry lg menarik kan..sebab not all of the readers cud read what is behind the image ;)
thus u wud spread the word of coz ;)
apa email ko?
to As: blum tgk lg...in fact terlupe nak amek from Master J...:(...maybe next sem ah...btw, ni tga lpak kat umah auntie...internet slow sgt...xdpt nak update blog etc...akan lpak kat cni for the whole practical time...11 weeks...huhu...
to Blogger Ini Tidak Mahu Dikenali: my email is sums_101@yahoo.com and also saif.ariff@gmail.com
giler bapak simbol antichrist..tgk documentary the arrival..sgt la shocking..huuu
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